Home News Elon Musk’s Twitter finally transitions completely to X.com

Elon Musk’s Twitter finally transitions completely to X.com

Finally Twitter.com finally and completely shifts its web address to X.com making the completion of its rebranding process initiated by Elon Musk.

Twitter, rebranded X.com, underwent a significant shift today, changing its address from Twitter.com to X.com fully. This move finalizes a transformation process that begun almost a year ago.

Back in July 2023, Elon Musk the owner of this social Network, decided to rename his social platform Twitter to X, a symbolic letter with strong ties to the Tech Mogul’s history since 1999.

Musk acquired Twitter in a monumental $44 billion deal in October 2022.

The Transition of X.com marks a pivotal moment for the former twitter platform. users attempting to access Twitter.com will now find themselves redirected to Musk’s preferred domain or so they should. However as of now, the redirection experience varies depending on the browser used and the user’s login status.