Home Sports First Lady Janet Museveni visit Nakivubo Stadium.

First Lady Janet Museveni visit Nakivubo Stadium.

First Lady Janet Museveni visited Nakivubo Stadium along with Hamis Kiggundu, a prominent Ugandan businessman and philanthropist. The purpose of their visit was to assess the progress of the renovation works at the stadium, which had been undergoing significant upgrades and refurbishments.

Nakivubo Stadium holds historical significance as one of Uganda’s oldest and most iconic sports venues. Over the years, however, it had fallen into disrepair and was in dire need of renovation to meet modern standards.

Hamis Kiggundu, known for his investments in real estate and other sectors, had taken on the task of spearheading the renovation efforts at Nakivubo Stadium as part of his commitment to improving infrastructure and supporting sports development in Uganda.

During their visit, Janet Museveni and Hamis Kiggundu likely inspected the various ongoing construction activities, including the installation of new seating, upgrading of facilities such as changing rooms and bathrooms, as well as improvements to the pitch and surrounding infrastructure.

Their presence at the stadium underscores the importance of public-private partnerships in driving development initiatives and highlights the government’s commitment to revitalizing key infrastructure assets for the benefit of the community.

Overall, the visit by Janet Museveni and Hamis Kiggundu signals progress in the rehabilitation of Nakivubo Stadium and serves as a testament to the collaborative efforts aimed at rejuvenating important landmarks in Uganda.