Home Entertainment Former Ugandan MP now flees Country over Homosexuality

Former Ugandan MP now flees Country over Homosexuality

One of the Gay right activists in Uganda Norman Ibrahim Muwulize has allegedly fled to Uganda unknown destination in fear of being arrested and charged for supporting homosexuality.

Muwulize, a former MP for Buikwe according to family sources flew out of the country last month fearing to be arrested and charged for supporting homosexuality.

“Before he fled, Muwulize a resident of Kikawulo zone, Central Division, Lugazi Municipality told one of his family members that he had been threatened by  Local Council leadeship to report him to police for his support to the Gays.

While still is the eighth parliament, Muwulize was a member of the Equal opportunity  Committee and as a Human Right defender, he used to fight for rights, a move has never abandoned.



Those who were not satisfied with the law petitioned the Constitutional Court which waits to give its verdict on notice.

The new anti-gay law, which last year received overwhelming support from MPs when it was passed in March, imposes the death sentence and life imprisonment for certain homosexual acts.

‘As a human rights defender, I could not discriminate in defending human rights including the homosexuality’s rights in this Country. But since this law passed, my area LC I Chairman convened routine meetings in which he accused me of supporting homosexuality; I could not wait to be caught as a grasshopper and the option I had was to free for safety,” a confident of Muwulize who preferred to remain anonymous told this website.

Muwulize’s disappearance follows more than 20 other Ugandans who have since this new law was passed fleeing to various countries fearing to be caught by the new stringent law.


About three months back, Lydia Nanyombi also fleed the country after being caught ready handed and arrested by security personnel on February 2023 with a fellow woman in Buloba garden  Resort located in Wakiso district.

When she escaped from the security personnel, Nanyombi 37, a resident of Nsangi town council is suspected to have flown to Canada a months ago where she is hiding.

When contacted doe a comment, Metropolitan police   spokesman Patrick Onyango told this reporter that even if the law was appealed against and it awaits the verdict of the Constitutional Court, it is still acted upon for anybody found in a gay or Liberian act.

This was confirmed by the criminal lawyers George Musisi who said until it is overturned by the appellant court; it is still a relevant law against the person contravening it.

Last year, the US Government imposed visa restrictions on hundreds of Ugandan legislators and their families over their involvement in enacting the law. No individuals were named.

President Yoweri Museveni, dismissed the US restrictions and warned Ugandan not to Don’t be intimidated by all those fellows adding that giant Countries should the country’s our sovereignty.

Earlier, the speaker of the Ugandan parliament, Anita Annet Among, had urged MPs and officials to ignore the restrictions.

Since the law was passed, violence and discrimination has intensified against LGBTQ+ groups, according to a recent report by the Convening for Equality (CFC) coalition.

In his proposed paper to Speaker Among on  March 2, 2023 before the new Bill was passed before law Pastor Moses Solon Male  the  leader Arising for Christ (Arch) proposed that Ugandans do not need news laws on homosexuality because the old one have convicted culprits and  freed innocent ones.

“The Homosexuality bill is not and will never be a magical solution when systems are corrupted. If passed, it will be the beginning of legalizing indulgence in homosexuality in Uganda justice it  has happened in many countries worldwide. Male also leader of National Voalition  Against homosexuality and Sexual Abuses in Uganda added,