Home Entertainment Irene Namatovu speaks out on Bubblegum music flooding the Ugandan market

Irene Namatovu speaks out on Bubblegum music flooding the Ugandan market

Irene Namatovu

Band musician Irene Namatovu has showed her support towards artists who release bubblegum music, citing the change in the preference from the new generation.

Irene Namatovu is one of the few standing artists who have focused on releasing music that is long lasting because they have found their their niche and concentrated there.

“Things change. When we started singing, people loved us and still love us, in that they can still play our music when kids are around, in church, generally in all audiences,” she said.

In this era of TikTok sounds and challenges, Ugandan music consumers are treated to a lot of bubblegum music. Everyday there is an artist with a trending sound on the social media platform and within no time, they are replaced by someone else.

“I will not criticize this generation because trends keep changing. Even if the bubblegum song trends for just a month, it is enough for a person to collect millions of money. Even when the song trends for two months, they are hired It means that the time it has topped charts, the artist got hired and earned some money to take his children to school,” she added.

Irene Namatovu is known for releasing love songs, making her one of the top hired artists on traditional kwanjula ceremonies and weddings. She is currently trending with her hit song ‘Fumba’ with Annet Nandujja released days back.

“Personally I love people in love, I love love and I feel so bad to see a relationship ending in tears. I love bringing lovers together not to separate. We focused so much on people in love advising them to work on their marriage and shame the haters,” she said.