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Minister of Kampala Hon Hajjati Minsa Kabanda and President’s PS Dr. Hillary Musoke Commend Youth Employment and Innovation

In a significant show of support for local industry and innovation, the Minister of Kampala Hon Hajjati Minsa Kabanda, accompanied by the President’s Principal Secretary, Dr. Kisanja Hillary Musoke, visited Zenome Technologies, a pioneering company in the manufacturing of LED bulbs and street lights. This visit underscored the government’s commitment to fostering homegrown solutions to Uganda’s persistent lighting challenges.

Zenome Technologies, located in Ntinda Industrial Park, has been making headlines as the first company of its kind in Uganda. The firm is not only leading the charge in producing high-quality LED lighting solutions but is also making a substantial impact on the local economy by employing a significant number of youth. The company’s efforts are seen as a critical step towards addressing the widespread issue of inadequate lighting in the country, which has long hampered both urban and rural development.

During the visit, the minister expressed his admiration for the investors behind Zenome Technologies. “The work being done here at Zenome is remarkable. Not only are they creating jobs for our youth, but they are also positioning Uganda as a future exporter of advanced lighting solutions. This is a model for other industries to follow,” he remarked.

Dr. Hillary Musoke echoed these sentiments, highlighting the dual benefits of the company’s operations. “Zenome Technologies is not just a business; it’s a beacon of innovation and hope. By addressing our domestic needs and aiming for international markets, they are setting a new standard for Ugandan manufacturing.”

The company’s leadership shared their vision for the future, emphasizing plans to expand their market reach beyond Uganda’s borders. “Our goal is to not only illuminate Uganda but also to shine a light on the potential of African manufacturing. We are excited about the prospect of exporting our products and showcasing Ugandan innovation on the global stage,” said the CEO of Zenome Technologies.

Uganda’s lighting problems have been a significant issue, particularly in rural areas where darkness impedes safety, productivity, and quality of life. Zenome’s affordable and energy-efficient LED bulbs and street lights are seen as a transformative solution to this problem. The company’s products promise to bring reliable lighting to homes and streets, enhancing security and enabling longer productive hours.

The visit concluded with a tour of the manufacturing facilities, where the minister and Dr. Musoke witnessed firsthand the advanced technologies and rigorous quality control processes that underpin Zenome’s operations. The guests also had the opportunity to speak with some of the young employees, many of whom shared their gratitude for the employment opportunities and the skills they are acquiring.

As Uganda continues to grapple with its lighting challenges, the emergence of companies like Zenome Technologies offers a promising path forward. With strong government support and a clear vision for growth, Zenome is poised to become a cornerstone of Uganda’s industrial landscape and a leading example of how innovation can drive social and economic development.