Home News PLE results are out today.

PLE results are out today.

Primary Leaving Examinations are out today. Ministry of Education and Sports, has released the PLE results for 2023 through UNEB in Nakasero today.

As per UNEB ED Mr Dan Odongo, females has performed better than males in English, but the reverse is true for the other three subjects; Social Studies & Religious Education, Intergraph Science, and Mathematics.

Overall, the performance of candidates is comparable to that of 2022. Proportionally, fewer candidates failed the examination compared to last year.

Results will be uploaded on Examination Centre portals. Each School can therefore downloaded their results as soon as they are officially released.

However, the District, Municipal and city Inspectors of the Schools may collect hard copies of the results from UNEB Offices at Ntinda from Monday 29th January, 2024.

No copies of results are available as of now. Parents, candidates and other interested parties may use the short messaging service (SMS) on mobile networks, which will post results of candidates on their mobile sets instantly.