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South African Watershed Election 2024 May Pull Out ANC

The ANC has not disclosed its thinking on any non-majority scenario – South African Elections 2024, Wednesday 29th.

In the ongoing South African election, opposition Party urges the  African National Congress (ANC) to stop forming coalitions with  radical parties.

Democratic Alliance (DA) leader, John Steenhussein  said the election will go down in history as the most consequential day for South Africa since the dawn of democracy in 1994.

Steenhussein, who party won the second-largest share of the vote in the last national and provincial election in 2019, urged supporters to use their pens to close the ANC and write new ones when they cast their vote.

”Unlike other parties in the elections, the DA has make promises what we will do  one day. We show you the evidence of what we already doing today”.Steenhussein told his supporters at a cricket Oval in Benoni, east of Johannesburg last weekend.

Polling Stations opened at 7am (05:00pm GMT) and closes at 9pm (19:00 GMT),

South Africans are voting in national and provincial elections that could test the African National Congress’s (ANC’s) 30-year rule.

Seventy parties are vying for votes, and a coalition government looks like a possibility for the first time since the end of apartheid.

Partial results are expected within hours of polls closing, and the election commission will announce the final results on Sunday.

After the vote, the new National Assembly will choose the next president from among its members.