Home Entertainment Ykee Benda On How He Juggles Music With Side Businesses

Ykee Benda On How He Juggles Music With Side Businesses

Ykee Benda (L) Ms. Afoyochan Esther at the launch of the Girls' hostel at Golden High School over the weekend.

Singer Ykee Benda has opened up on how juggles between other businesses and his full time job, music.

Ugandan musicians have for so long fought for the enforcement of the copyright law in order to earn from their music but in vain. As they wait for it, they have started different side hustles to help them sustain their lifestyles and keep the music coming.

Ykee Benda, a graduate of Chemical Engineering, is one of the few successful young artists who has not only made money through music but also different businesses and deals.

“The good thing about music is that I can hit studio and sing regardless of whether I Am a doctor. 

Personally I’m a chemical engineer (non practicing) already but music is good because you can easily add on something else to do alongside it. God gave it to me as a gift that will never go away,” he said.

Ykee Benda gave an example of Bobi Wine who utilized his youth doing music and is now concentrating in politics under his political party, National Unity Platform (NUP).

“You saw my brother doing music in his early years but is now shaking the highest office in Ugandan politics. We need to find other ways so that when time comes for the next generation, you leave fully prepared,” Ykee revealed.

On the list of his growing side hustles, Ykee Benda is now a registered director for Golden High School Nsagu, located in Kajjansi Entebbe.